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    Eastern Gamagrass - Native

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      Purchase Eastern Gamagrass - Native

      Eastern Gamagrass - Native


      Eastern gamagrass is a native, perennial, warm season bunch grass that grows 60 to 120 inches tall and arguably produces the highest quality and quantity of forage for a native grass. Gamagrass is highly palatable and provides good to excellent grazing for livestock and fair grazing for deer. Because of such grazing quality eastern gamagrass  is usually chosen first over other grasses and decreases under heavy grazing making the grass difficult to find even in low pressure areas. In addition to grazing quality eastern gamagrass provides cover for wildlife and is extremely valuable for stabilizing riparian areas.


      Common Name: Eastern Gamagrass
      Variety: Native
      Genus: Tripasacum
      Species: dactyloides
      Origin: North America


      Longevity: Perennial
      Season: Warm



      Rate Per Acre: 8 - 10
      Planting Dates: 3/1 - 6/1
      Seeds Per Pound: 7,500
      Bushel Weight: 36