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    Little Bluestem - Native

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      Little Bluestem - Native


      Little Bluestem is a warm-season perennial bunch grass native to North America. It grows 24 to 72 inches high and changes color throughout the year from blue-green in the spring  to reddish-brown in the fall. Little bluestem requires full to partial sun and prefers well drained soils though it will tolerate most soil types. Little bluestem is considered a highly desirable tall grass and is commonly referred to as one of the big four prairie grasses along with switchgrass, indiangrass, and big bluestem. It has medium grazing value with its best grazing typically occurring from March to July. It can be weakened by continuous grazing and can be managed with rotational grazing and proper stocking. Little bluestem responds favorably to prescribed burning. It is a good grass for wildlife in general and provides excellent cover for ground nesting birds.


      Common Name: Little Bluestem
      Variety: Native
      Family: Poaceae
      Genus: Schizachrium
      Species: scoparium
      Origin: North America


      Longevity: Perennial
      Season: Warm
      Height: 24'' - 72"
      Bloom Period: June - December


      PH Range: 4.8 - 8.4
      Annual Rainfall/Irrigation: 7" or More
      Light Requirement: 4 - 8+


      Rate Per Acre: 3.4
      Planting Dates: 12/1 - 6/1
      Seeds Per Pound: 255,000
      Planting Depth: 1/8"