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    Sorghum Sudangrass Hybrid - Sugar Graze Ultra

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      Sorghum Sudangrass Hybrid - Sugar Graze Ultra


      Sugar Graze Ultra is a photoperiod sorghum-sudangrass hybrid.

      A photoperiod sorghum-sudan is a hybrid forage grass that is specifically bred to grow rapidly during the summer months in regions with long days and plenty of sunlight. The main advantage of a photoperiod sorghum-sudan, as compared to a traditional sorghum-sudan, is its ability to produce large amounts of forage in a short period of time. Additionally, a photoperiod sorghum-sudan generally matures later than standard sorghum-sudan varieties allowing for a longer period of grazing before the plant goes into reproductive development.

      The transition to the reproductive phase is triggered by an increase in the length of the dark period which occurs as the days get shorter and the nights get longer. In the northern hemisphere this occurs after the summer solstice which is the date of the year with the longest day and shortest night. After the summer solstice, the plant will sense the length of the dark period increasing and will begin to produce reproductive structures such as flowers and seedheads. The specific day length at which a photoperiod sorghum-sudan begins its reproductive phase can vary depending on the specific variety and environmental conditions.

      The timing of this transition to the reproductive phase in a sorghum-sudan is an important consideration as it can affect the quality of the forage produced by the plant. Once the plant goes into reproductive development it may produce lower-quality forage as the energy of the plant is diverted into seed production rather than vegetative growth.


      Common Name: Sorghum Sudangrass Hybrid
      Variety: Sugar Graze Ultra
      Genus: Sorghum
      Species: bicolor x sudanense
      Origin: Introduced


      Longevity: Annual
      Season: Warm


      PH Range: 6.0 - 7.5


      Rate Per Acre: 25 - 40
      Planting Dates: 4/15 - 6/1
      Seeds Per Pound: 22,000