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    Splitbeard Bluestem - Native

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      Purchase Splitbeard Bluestem - Native

      Splitbeard Bluestem - Native


      Splitbeard bluestem is a slender warm season perennial bunchgrass that grows 24" to 48" tall. It is moderately shade tolerant and is seldom the dominate plant in a community. Splitbeard is a good spring time grazer for cattle, is effective for erosion control in poor sandy soils, and is sometimes used for native ornamental landscaping. Splitbeard bluestems provides cover for wildlife such as birds and small mammals. It is also known as split bluestem, silvery beardgrass, and feather bluestem.


      Common Name: Splitbeard Bluestem
      Variety: Native
      Family: Poaceae
      Genus: Andropogon
      Species: ternarius
      Origin: North America


      Longevity: Perennial
      Season: Warm
      Height: 20" - 47"
      Bloom Period: September - November


      PH Range: 4.5 - 5.1
      Annual Rainfall/Irrigation: 20" - 60"
      Light Requirement: 4 - 8+


      Rate Per Acre: 6
      Planting Dates: 12/1 - 6/1
      Seeds Per Pound: 216,000
      Planting Depth: 1/8"